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Hello - thank you for your interest in Bashar Leadership!.

I have been in Enterprise Software for 20+ years and am a Senior Executive who thrives in challenging or uncertain environments where leadership skills and ambition combine to produce remarkable results.

Leveraging my skills acquired through an engineering degree, MBA and both large and small organizations, I have fostered a unique leadership style, that cultivates motivation, teamwork and dedication resulting in a higher level of performance and retention.

Starting from a young age, I have embarked on challenges where I was told not to bother, or I was one of very few women involved. Based on these experiences and being a mother of two, I am a passionate role model for women in technology, and proving to young women facing the challenge of wanting a career and a family that you can have it all. 

Having it all is achievable by removing what is blocking you from realizing your true power. I have worked for years trying to develop these skills and not finding success due to a feeling that something unknown was blocking me. In 2020, amidst the chaos - I learned how what "it" was, and would love to share this knowledge with anyone wanting to find their power, personally or professionally.

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